Utility Accountability

We are urging the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to keep utility rates affordable for our families and to move our state to low-cost, local clean energy.

Southwest Gas and NV Energy are raising rates again and again, yet they want more of our money — even while making record profits. 

We can’t let this happen. Chispa Nevada is holding the PUC accountable to making Southwest Gas and NV Energy keep our rates truly affordable.

We can’t trust these corporations to do what’s best for Nevadans. Both utility companies are selling us methane gas, which is imported from out of state. So long as utilities rely on methane gas, our bills will be unpredictable. 

Methane is also harmful to our health, leading to cancer and birth defects, and pollutes the environment. Southwest Gas and NV Energy want to continue putting their profits over our people. 

Enough is enough. Our Cambio Energetico Verde comité is leading our campaign to keep the PUC accountable to community needs, like clean and affordable energy. 

Ways comité members take action:

Meet with Decision Makers

Meeting with key officials, like the Consumer Advocate, PUC commissioners, energy experts 

Speak Up

Speaking to the media about how rate increases will impact them


Educating other consumers about what we can do to demand clean and affordable energy


Testifying at PUC Consumer Sessions about how rate increases will impact them

Write Letters

Writing letters to PUC commissioners about how rate increases will impact them

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